AmigaActive (635/1338)

From:Gerald Mellor
Date:16 May 2001 at 19:44:15
Subject:Re: Program Failed...

Hi Steve, on 16-May-01, you wrote:

> I've recently reinstalled everything on my boot
> partition. Things were fine until the last week.
> Whenever I cold boot I get the message:
> Software Failure
> (DH5 / Voodoo3 / c:Version / ramlib / c:ata3.driver)
> Program Failed (error #80000004)
> Wait for disk activity to finish
> Suspend / Reboot
> I reboot and get the same message with a choice of
> DH5, Voodoo, c:version etc.

I had the same happen to me, until a couple of weeks ago when I
installed my Mediator. Since then things have been better. At the time
I put it down to a loose accelerator, and it would make sense that
installing the Mediator would fix it, since everything has been a much
tighter fit since then.

> I have to reboot again and again until I get success.
> This can be upto 5-6 reboots before WB loads.

Same used to happen here.

> When WB finally loads I occasionally get the same
> message but with SnoopDOS or AmiDock failing.

I don't run SnoopDOS very often, but it would usually be something
like AmiDock or Myzar failing if it got as far as a Workbench screen.

> Anyway another reboot and things are fine.
> I have checked and double checked the 3.1 ROMS,
> PowerFlyer, Mediator, Voodoo3 and all other cables.
> Everything seems to be fine.
> Any ideas?

I don't really have any ideas... I have a similar set-up to yours -
Power Tower, 3.1 ROMs, Mediator, Power Flyer, OS3.9. No Voodoo though.
I think we can eliminate the Mediator and Voodoo as the cause of
this, since I didn't have either of those when I was getting this
problem. My only suggestion is to make sure that everything is tight.

It started for me when I installed 3.9, but since I also put my Amiga
in a new tower, and installed 3.1 ROMs at the same time, it's not too
easy to narrow it down.

My Amiga still has some trouble booting from cold. When I first turn
it on I usually have to do a soft reset a couple of times before the
startup-sequence kicks in (I can tell when that happens because
Setpatch reboots my machine). But at least it doesn't fail *after*
that, and I can live with this problem. Unless anyone has a solution?


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